over on the right-hand side, under LINKS.
If you don't know what RSS is (it stands for "real simple syndication"), you can read about it here. You can get an RSS feeder in tons of places, but for those with GMAIL, I recommend you use Google Reader. If you don't have a GMAIL account and would like one, just email me and I'll send an invite your way.
Which brings me to another good point: Both Justine and I use GMAIL, particularly the GCHAT program, which is a web-based instant-messaging (IM) program. That means you can talk in real-time with is over the internet without having to install any programs, because GCHAT works through your web browser. So if you want to chat with us online either before we leave or while we're away, hit me up and I'll send a GMAIL invite your way so you can start it up!
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