Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Two Sierra summits in one day... We love California!

Yesterday, Justine and I went on a relatively short day hike from Donner Pass to the tops of Mt. Donner (where we ate lunch) and Mt. Judah. The Judah trail is supposed to be a loop, but the South side of the trail was snowed in, so we walked out the same way we walked in. One of the coolest things was actually this back tracking, since the afternoon heat significantly increased the flow of the snow melt, causing trails to turn into gushing slides and tiny trickles into full on water features! Click HERE for the pics.

Enjoy, and hope you all had a great 4th!


1 comment:

Nicole Wascoe Bauman said...

Looks like fun! Keep your pics coming.

We just returned from Milwaukee, Kohler and Madison, WI to see friends and family. We had a good time staying at the new aloft Hotel in downtown Milwaukee one night, and we ate some tasty wiener schnitzel und spaetzel at the old famous Mader's restaurant also in downtown Milwaukee. I would like to get back to explore more of the town as it has a good vibe and lots of independent business and entertainment going on - including some giant ladybugs walking up the side of one of the buildings downtown. :)

Thanks again for your pictures. Howdy from Chris and Grace, too.
