Justine: I think we should bring sleeping bags.
Mike: Nah. They're too big, heavy, and expensive. Plus, we'll be in India and South East Asia... we're gonna be sleeping naked with only a mosquito net over us.
Justine: You're going to get diseases from the beds.
Mike: So what?
Justine: ...
Mike: Look, if you want to bring a bag, go ahead, but I don't want to.
Justine: ...
Mike: Okay, it's settled then. No sleeping bags, right?
Justine: You're going to get scabies and other skin diseases. You should get a bag.
Mike: I think there's a Sharks game on.
Am I in denial here? Our other friends (also with initials J & M) are bringing bags. But I'm just so lazy. Plus, we have the silk sleep sheets, which should keep most bugs out and keep us from having to use gross, stained comforters.
These pics are from when we went camping with James and Meghan at the beginning of April. We went out to Santa Cruz Island (one of the Channel Islands of the coast of Calif.). It was fun, except for the Lyme's disease!

hey, before you go be sure to stop by your friendly local md to get all yer shots and some prophylactic malaria meds!
/doctor you know who/
you guys are going to get scabies...
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